C# 9.0 Features

Init-only properties, Records, With, pattern matching, Improved target typing [More details..]

Update alternate div color using jQuery

Update alternate div color using jQuery. [More details..]

Update alternate div color using javascript

Update alternate div color using javascript. [More details..]

c# - convert a list of objects from one type to another using Linq

Here, we are using ToNonAnonymousList method for convert list of an object to another list of an object using linq with simple syntax. [More details..]

How to handle elmah exception in windows service.

Handle elmah exception in windows service we have to create one custom class.
It is easy to implement elmah in web application but for window service we have to do some extera coding for handle it. Request you first check Elmah implementation in web if you have no idea. [More details..]

Get the List of Object Dependencies in SQL Server

For finding dependent object we will use a function dm_sql_referencing_entities. Which is introduced in SQL server 2008. It is a Dynamic Management Function. [More details..]

How to get controller name, action name, method type in OnAuthorization MVC c#

Most of time we are doing Basic Authorization in MVC application to check user have rights for access that action or controller.
In such case, we are using Basic Authorization, OnAuthorization of the controller always seems to run before any filter's one. [More details..]

Convert list of string to enum type using C#

Enumeration is consists of a set of named constants and their values. [More details..]

ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers)

ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application. It is providing error logging facility. It is very easy to pluggable.
We can add it dynamically to a running ASP.NET web application, or all ASP.NET web applications on a machine, without any need for re-compilation or re-deployment. [More details..]


WHILE loop is easy to use as compare to cursor. We have to set a condition for the repeated execution in statement. The statements are executed repeatedly as long as the specified condition is true. We can also controlled loop using CONTINUE and BREAK keywords. [More details..]

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